Monday, February 23, 2009


PROV 14:4
“Where no oxen are the crib is clean, but much increase is by the strength of the ox". Oxen are a vital commodity for farm work. The work is accomplished much easier with laborers. On a farm oxen can do a lot but they need to be taken care of. First, the oxen need to be bought and have certain preparations met upon their arrival such as a crib to house them and the necessary food to strengthen them.Just having a crib or food for the oxen is not enough, we must have oxen to do the work.
Such is our desire to make more money in order to give more money. We not only have the desire but also we need the tools. Much preparation for the work and the wisdom to do the work is necessary. Knowledge and tools left to themselves will not yield the desired outcome. We must have a place to work from and use it. At times it will be messy and need cleaning but, the end result is seeing the work get done. We all know that working oxen will make a mess. Where no oxen are, the crib is clean still holds true.
The Increase will be worth the clean up. Nourishing the oxen will be a blessing because the stronger they are the more work that they will do. You and I must nourish ourselves with preparation, planning, and producing. The stronger we are and the smarter we are will produce the results desired. In Gal 6:7, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever, a man soweth, that shall he also reap”, we find the diligent truth of an outcome. The more we sow the more we’ll reap.
Strength and knowledge along with skill sets and tools will keep the oxen, clean the crib and create much increase. All three are valuable to one another.

Internet Missionary,
Kelle Hein

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

CHRISTianity and Giving

These two words should be synonymous! How can one go without the other? Our life doesn't belong to us personally because we belong to the LORD. Therefore, when we claim salvation through the LORD JESUS CHRIST, we must understand that our money is not our property either. A Saved person will want to give and be pleased in doing so. My prayer is to edify and challenge all that are saved to be bigger and better givers to advance the Kingdom of GOD.

The Internet Missionary,

Kelle Hein

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I recently responded to an article on about the Sufficient Provision of our LORD. Enjoy the article and the challenge with me. Here it is!

Our Heavenly Father is all sufficient for HE is good! I am very passionate about this subject because we are living proof of our LORD's sufficiency. My wife and I along with our five kids have been missionaries on the Border of Mexico for the last 23 years. We have seen our LORD provide in really cool ways. One, for example, is that we built a 2,560 square foot debt free home, and secondly, He gave us a plane to use in the ministry. I've been a pilot before we arrivedin Laredo but watching our LORD bring a 20 year prayer to fruition is really awesome.

Anyway, thank you for provoking me with our LORD's provision. In these last days that we're living in, I want to give more toward missions and I'm looking toward network marketing to do that. If anybody is interested, please call me at 361-586-4225 or check out my website at So many scriptures speak of the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father and how He loves to bless His children. He has never let us down and I'm especially thankful to Him for the outreach and opportunities that He has allowed us to involve ourselves. Church planting, mission trips, helping other missionaries and raising our children on the mission field have all been because He called us and He continues to provide for us. Even now, we have three of our children in college. Wow, His goodness is sweet and we thank our LORD for all. My prayer is that anyone reading this article will be challenged to continue to trust the Heavenly Father!

Just today, I was talking to a missionary that takes gospel literature to the missionaries on the field. He brought us 100 cases of tracts. We were enjoying our years of experience and reminiscing about how sweet it is to trust the LORD. Most people don't understand what a blessing it is to trust the LORD beyond what they can see. It never will be faith until you can't see the end result or the means to accomplish the end result. We must look past our abilities and believe He will provide. We know that faith is the key and you can't please the Father without faith. We are continuing our walk before our LORD and my desire is to be part of a Missions Epidemic. We desperately need a Missions Epidemic and I ask for your prayers for that end. Let's put our treasures in heaven and enjoy the journey until HE comes to take us home. Blessings to you!

The Internet Missionary,
Kelle Hein